Patient list, examination list
This video is about the patient list and examination list.
All names included in the tutorial are for demonstration purposes only.
Once you have registered on the platform, you will be landed on the Home page.
This is where full information about patients and examinations is placed. You can add new patients to the system to store their data.
The main page consists of:
- Navigation Menu
- Logo
- Your Profile
- Search patient
- "Add new patient" button
- "Add new examination" button
- Patient list:
- Patient ID
- Patient’s Name
- Patient’s Birth Date
- Patient’s Gender
- Date of Patient’s last examination
- Description (you describe every single patient’s case by adding important details such as past traumas, some specific diseases, etc)
- Edit the patient's card option
- Delete the patient's card option - Examination list:
- Eye type OD/OS
- Scan size
- Number of scans in examination
- Examination data
- Edit the examination option
- Delete the examination option
After adding a new patient, you can edit or delete the patient’s data by clicking on three dots.
If you want to edit patient details, click on the edit icon. The Edit patient pop-up appears so you can change the data.
If you want to delete the patient card, click on the delete icon. The pop-up appears. Click Delete or Cancel the action.
You can add new examinations to a patient's card to store it and be able to check it when it's needed.
To edit the examination list, click on the three dots. If you want to edit the examination, click on the edit icon. The edit form pop-up appears where you can change the data.
If you want to delete the examination, click on the delete icon. This pop-up appears. Click the Delete or Cancel button.
Updated over 1 year ago