Single Scan

This tutorial is about the Single Scan tab in the examination.
Let's select an examination from the examination list. We are in the examination card, this is information about the Patient and by default, we are in Single Scan.

The Single scan tab consists of:

  • OCT severity detection map with an option to browse through scans and select a specific one.
  • Once the examination is uploaded, the scans are classified based on the degree of pathology found. Therefore, there is a filter by severity order: all scans, green - with normal retina, yellow of moderate concern with slight deviations and red is of high concern that needs to be reviewed further
  • Arrows to change the scan selection.
  • Quality of scan [N/A - 10]. The platform detects low-quality scans automatically and warns about the possibility of inaccurate results.
  • Severity type
  • Central scan
  • Scan number. Right now we are looking at the 67th scan from 128 scans in the examination.
  • Selected scan.
  • Favorites. You can add particular scans to Favorites and review them separately.
  • Zoom. You can review a particular scan in its original size, with the help of the zoom button.
  • Layers thickness (average, single, multiple, and GCC thickness).
  • Segmentation of 10 retinal layers with an option to select single or multiple layers.