Team members
This video is about a convenient solution for ophthalmic clinics, which is a separate account with an admin, who can invite team members to share one cabinet.
Go to the navigation menu and choose Team members.
This page consists of the doctor's first and second name, email, status (which can be active or pending), access level (admin or user accordingly), actions (here admin can either resend the invitation or delete the user) , and the "Invite doctor" button.
Admin invites team members with the help of this button. The “Invite a doctor” pop-up consists of an email, and the first and second name of the Doctor. Fill in the information and send the invitation.
The doctor right away receives an email with the link to the platform, getting access to Altris AI and its services.
The doctor will be able to add patients, and examinations and manage the existing ones.
Admin can resend an invitation to a particular Doctor in case it's needed. As well as Admin can remove any team member from the list by clicking on the basket icon. The deleted user will not have an access to Altris AI and won't be able to add patients, and examinations and manage the existing ones.
Updated over 1 year ago