Configure Dicom Exports
Please mind that this instruction is being provided by Topcon. If your OCT is not being setup or your interface is different, please contact Tech support at Topcon or your distributor and they can help with the setup or update your OCT software to the latest version.
The recommended settings for macula scan are:
Retina 3D, horizontal b-scans (no Fundus image should be exported with b-scans, no Report format)
Retinal area of interest – from 6 till 12 mm.
Scan Width - 1024
Scan Height - 944
Altris AI analyses the central sector of the retina and does not provide optic nerve analysis
When you unzip the file > there are 2 files: fundus (the small file, you don't need it) and b-scans in dcm format (second file that should be uploaded into the Altris AI platform, always the heavy file).
Updated about 1 month ago